Things To Do When I'm Bored

This post is somewhat different from my other posts- unrelated to my usual fashion or photo diaries, but somehow I found the muse in sharing tips/thoughts about my everyday lifestyle. My opinions may be the most cliche at some point, but I do hope you enjoy reading. I even thought of making this into a series. Anyway, during my dreary days, I tend to procrastinate. I tend to write a long list of to-dos but never do. Such an annoying habit has to be removed, now or never. I tried these and still use these tricks when I feel I shouldn't be doing anything. Hope this entertains you and happy weekend! ;)

I. Read, read, read

"If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads."-Ralph Waldo Emerson. This quote proves that we can discover a lot of unique and intriguing knowledge that we never knew existed. You can treat it as a quiet time to yourself- as what I sometimes do, after a tiring hustling day. Reading expands your perspective view of things which makes you look wiser, a bonus.

II. Try new/existing hobby

Oh, I know that reading is not everyone's cup of tea, but there's no excuse that you can't do what you love. Either trying out a new hobby or polishing your old ones, you have to discover your passion that you'll enjoy for a lifetime, and then you'll find that time flies a lot quicker than you think. Hobbies quick lists are such as baking, painting, drawing, playing a musical instrument, sports, dancing, singing, blogging, vlogging- the list goes on and on (maybe I should do a post on hobbies?). I draw and play a musical instrument to occupy/jam-pack my boring times. This works well when you find yourself stressing out too much- I've tried, and this worked. 

 III. Clean your room/wardrobe

Who doesn't want to live in a comfortable and cosy space when you get home after a hectic day? Cleaning or spacing out your room according to your lifestyle/taste/vibe is essential to bring a sense of your personality, character, and passion. It doesn't have to be the most expensive item to spice up a room. As long as the items show your personality, you're on the right track.

 IV. Create an inspiration/mood board

Inspirations are everywhere, anywhere. Nowadays we have Pinterest which has an inspiration board type of arrangement to save all your favourite photos virtually. However, I still love keeping physical photos. I used to cut pictures or quotes from newspapers/magazines as inspirations. It's best if you can find magazines from thrift stores or even fashion outlets for cheaper prices/free, cut and paste them on your inspiration board. This does help to get you in the mood to be inspirational and get your ass moving.

V. Sell old clothes/items laying around

This is a continuation of point III where you declutter all your stuff, then divide the items into keep/throw piles. In the throw piles, you might want to consider selling some of the things that are too good to throw away. Not only do you get some cash back, but you successfully utilized "boring times," not to mention you will use your math skills. 

All photos edited by yours truly


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  1. Completely fall in love with your blog :)

    1. That means a lot, Elizabeth. I'm glad that you've enjoyed my writings! <3


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