Top 3 Body Lotion For Sensitive Skin (CV, Vaseline, Baylis) | Review

When I enter a personal store, I'll run to the shelves where the moisturizer and lotion are displayed. The packaging and the smell were attractive enough to capture my attention. That's when my hands started to stretch out and tempted to reach for them. Aren't all ladies agree? Okay, may not necessarily be a lotion, but I'm sure we all have something that we can't let our eyes off!

I once hated using lotion as it leaves my skin oily and sticky. (Some of you may have experienced it before, are you not?) Two years back, I found a few amazing products which I can't let go of, and I learned to love them until this day. My mum would quote me, 'The key to a subtle, young, model-like skin comes from good self-maintenance -this boosts my self-confidence as well.

Choosing the right lotion is crucial to achieving the maximum effect of beautiful, glowing skin. I advise you to give a new product a test and try it by buying a small bottle or getting a free sample before you commit wholly to it. If you have sensitive skin, be sure to consult your doctor before using any new products.

1. EGO QV skin lotion

QV skin lotion is suitable for dry or sensitive skin. It soothes and helps to prevent and relieve dry skin. I recommend this as it can be used day and night. It is FREE from perfume, colouring, propylene glycol and lanolin. The lotion contains a pH balance which maintains the moisture in the skin preventing it from drying. It is also suitable for use with eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis even in the elderly and infants. Best use after bathing.

2. Vaseline healthy white

A skin-lightening lotion which leaves my skin moisturized and nourished (as it contains yoghurt serum). It helps to prevent further darkening of the skin and brings out your skin's natural fairness. To lighten your skin depends on how consistently you use the product. It keeps your skin with a soft, lady-like pinkish smell. I also highly recommend Petroleum Jelly from Vaseline as it serves multiple benefits to your skin.

3. Baylis and Harding

Tbh, I'm in love with the pink-coloured liquid. A moisturizing hand lotion with wild rose and raspberry leaf as the main ingredients. For those who are looking for a good moisturizing hand lotion, why not give this a try? The cream leaves your hand silky smooth after application. The best result is when used before your sleep as during the day we tend to get into contact with water and dust which minimizes our skin's moisture and wash off the lotion applied easily.

I hope this helps you to achieve healthier skin!


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