Innisfree White Mud Nose Pack | Review

Alright, another beauty review for you all. I must admit I hate blackheads popping out on my nose and who doesn't? I had a short interview(when it comes to personal questions, I ask a lot HAHA) with several friends on removing blackheads and I was quite intimidated by their answers as they were, squeezing them out by hand or using blackheads remover; using pore strips; cleanse them twice a day. Squeezing pores could result in pain, swelling or redness especially if you have sensitive skin. I could never imagine hurting my nose to that extent, and I tried pore strips before but was disappointed with the aftermath.

 About 3-4 years back, the first Faceshop store was in town, and I was hoping to find something worth my time and money I tried out their White Mud nose pack. I was not confident to use it, but hey, I needed to, and I attained a cleaner nose just after 2-3 weeks(I used it once a week). The sticky, mud-like paste removes the blackheads gently, and the whole process takes about 10 minutes. I highly recommend this product since it contains natural ingredients that suit even those with sensitive skin. If you have other top tips, let me know in the comment box below :)


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