Batiste Dry Shampoo | Review
I'll review the ever-so-popular batiste dry shampoo.

Great for overnight unwashed and greasy hair. Spray the product generously onto the roots of the hair. I'm not sure exactly how many sprays are recommended, but if you have slightly thicker hair like me, you need at least 4-5 sprays to spread evenly over your hair. It volumizes my hair as I gently brush through my hair using my hands.
There is a light floral scent that leaves your hair smelling like a field of flowers. I love the scent; it is not overpowering at all. However, if you're sensitive to fragrance, you might want to smell it first before you purchase. They have many different scents to choose from.
The downside of it is that it leaves dry flakes on the scalp if you do not use it properly. Shake well before use so that the product will evenly sprit out of the can.
The rating physically is 9/10. The floral pattern circling the metal can is too cute not to glance at it. This is the very first drugstore dry shampoo found in Kuching aside from the high-end that is found in Sephora. I have searched for this for quite some time and it recently appeared on the shelves of the hair section in the Guardian. I bought the travel-size ones so I can test them before committing to the full-size can.
I learned from a few websites that dry shampoo is a life-changing item to own. I thought it was right since the place I'm staying is hot and humid. Washing my hair every day becomes a routine. If there's dry shampoo, then I would not have to worry about smelly hair even when I don't wash them.
I understand that dry shampoo is not to be used too often as it damages hair and may have side effects, so I warn you only to use it when you need it.
Country of Origin
United Kingdom
50 ml per spray can
8/10 rating. It does leave your hair smelling good and grease-free for a fair amount of time (half of a day if you're not sweating). If you begin to sweat a lot, the scent will fade, and the grease will recover. However, if you intend to volumize your hair, this is a great product to use.
All photos by Prisc
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