November/December Photo Diary | 2017
Walking towards the end of 2017, I attended two Japanese dinners, explored various food, enjoyed the Christmas season and cooked tons of Western dishes. My journey in 2017 has been a blessing despite the shortcomings and hiatuses. I want to thank you for your interest in reading my blog. Hope your 2017 has been a year of learning and welcome to 2018 for a better and brighter year. Goodbye 2017 and hello 2018. Happy New Year to you! Cheers!
Mental Health Talk
I attended a mental health talk and campaign in the workplace through a promotion on my course group chat. Wouldn't have been there and listened if attendance wasn't compulsory. Thankfully, I gained a little knowledge about mental health. Spread the importance of having a healthy mind.
Whey Chillin'
This cute shop offers unique flavours of ice-cream cake. The cake is lined at the bottom and filled up with ice cream. The cake is made out of skim milk, which is a healthier ingredient for ice cream. Health-conscious peeps, this is a dessert place to indulge your ice cream cravings. I ordered the matcha cake which contains matcha and red beans. It has a unique taste to it as it doesn't taste like your usual ice cream. It tastes icy but slightly creamy. You have to try it to understand. A few selections of cakes are on offer with buy 2 pay for 1. The promotion might still be available, do check their FB page.
We tried their set meal from a charity sale and the food tasted delightful. We decided to visit there but the menu had nothing similar to what we'd tasted. It was a disappointment. Nonetheless, I do recommend their sushi platters as they are well made. Avoid ordering other dishes besides the sushis as the portion and taste are not worth the money.
My Birthday cake
This fruit cake is the highlight of my birthday. This cake is decorated with fresh cream. The sponge cake itself is pandan flavoured which included an uncountable number of fruits inside and around the cake. I am a happy child.
I consider this Japanese restaurant to be more exquisite and extravagant. I ordered the Japanese curry which is flavourful. However, they took forever to serve this plate as my other family members had finished their meals and this was yet to come. The sushi set tasted similar to other sushi restaurants I'd been to. I suggest visiting the restaurant during lunch as they have a special price for the bento sets. I'll have to visit it soon for the lunch set.
Fashion Inspiration
Polka dots are one of the designs that are predicted to be on trend in 2018. Do pull out your clothing pieces that are polka dotted to jump on the bandwagon with others.
Pre-Christmas Lunch
I had my best friends coming over to my place for a lunch date. They delivered me their homemade chocolate cake which tastes amazing.
Christmas Eve
This is my family's annual Christmas dinner to appreciate everyone at home and share the joy together. We ordered pizzas and Bumberg drinks. The other dishes that are home-cooked: ham rolls, lasagna, stir fry vegetables, gingerbread man cookies (of course), chicken pies, and apple pies. I was mostly in the kitchen the entire week prepping and cooking these dishes. Another year of accomplishing my plan.
Christmas Day

I went to church in the morning, singing carols. After the service, a buffet lunch was served. I had snacks at my friend's home and followed by a party for dinner. I didn't care about the calories as bonding time is the prime activity besides exchanging gifts. I was gifted with useful items this year which was a huge blessing.

Food that intrigued me
Gummy worms
Unintended fusion of coloured slurpee. Get the blue and red ice for a similar effect.
This taste nothing like nuts. It has a hint of sweetness towards the end of a bite and crisps of potato chips. Weirdly amazing.
I've tried a few different dried mangos from various countries, and this is hands down the best. Nothing much to say about it, sweet and savoury.
Recently found my obsession with the KFC vanilla pudding. They serve it cold (the best temperature) on a humid day.
I've found a few places that is 'Instagrammable'
Sadly, when I went there, the ice cream machine was broken. However, I got this picture as a reminder to visit the stall again soon.
No caption.
A new year question, what do you think? Accept/cancel?
All photos by yours truly
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