2018 Review

I was debating whether or not to publish an entry reviewing the year since a considerable number of influencers posted theirs, I'm not jumping into the same bandwagon because it's a trend, but instead, I'm writing as a self-reflection and hopefully, you who are reading, grasp some wisdom to carry on 2019. With that said, I'd share a few things I achieved, failed, and learned throughout 2018 and my future goals. A note that all events whether successful or failure based solely on my resolution goals earlier in the year.

Let's start with achievement. Life has been fulfilling in the past year.

One of my goals was to travel well. I was sure to travel twice a year for education purposes, but two unexpected trips turned out to be blissful and purposeful. In a total of 4 visits, the encounters were smooth sailing, and the people I met along the way were friendly. I've been numbed for packing and unpacking my luggage that many times. 

Another accomplishment has been the newly added category on my blog. This year I took the 'beauty' section more seriously as I write a more in-depth explanation of the products I'm using. One of the top beauty posts of the year is the moisturizer review. Keep your eyes peeled for better-curated product reviews.

Spiritually, I made progress in completing my reading of the New Testament. It requires full determination and discipline to be constant, and I did it.

Little did people want to hear the negative side of life. However, this is the pivotal point to making things right. Reflect and change.

One of my biggest failures was neglecting my health. I failed to focus more on self-care and self-love. I fell ill for the fifth time last year, which was the toughest to overcome. I was frail and felt such a failure. At that point, I was envious of healthy, happy people smiling while doing their tasks. I overspent on drugs and consultation, but needless to say, that made me realise I need to nurture myself better this year.

Another problem I had was reading less and less as the year went by. I was once a nerdy bookworm that sit as long as possible in its warm spot on the couch. I lost that essence of reading but I need to get back on the grind to do so. I couldn't deny the importance of reading. I had been neglecting and replacing the time by watching videos (well, educative videos but still).

There was so much more to write, but I shall stop here.

Being independent. You might think that at this mature young age, I must be independent. Well, independence could be in different forms and situations. In one way, I am independent, but in the next form, I might not be. I can be independent to travel and eat alone, but I might not be independent in making a decision. I still need people to help me decide. However, any form of this independence can be sharpened as time progresses.

Baking(major)/cooking(minor). This was a skill that I intended to sharpen for years, and this year I felt exceptional as I tried out various simple recipes and cooked for the grand occasion such as Lunar New Year and Christmas family feast.

Blessings. Blessings are not monetary. Blessings are things unseen that feel if you're sensitive enough. I felt blessed by my loved ones, positive physical and mental health, joy, present condition and wisdom. Gifts or red packets were less of the 'blessing' that I looked for, but rather the time and valuable communication.

Future goals
By reviewing my past goals, I could thus write down another script of new targets to refine my failures. This proves that studying your life for the past year helps set a focus for the new year and aim for it.

The future direction of my blog:
- more personal and helpful posts
- replacing 'dual monthly photo diary' with places to visit/cafe recommendations
- more styling posts
- videos?

Short Update
✎ Let me know what you guys think of the new goals for this blog!
✎✎ Would you like to read about ways to create practical and effective goals? I'd love to know x
✎✎✎ I skipped Week 4 of Advent as I was too ill to publish anything. Be warned that the next 2-3 posts will be about the happenings in 2018. I hope you will enjoy the old content while I'm back producing new posts very soon. Thank you for being patient!

I want to say a huge THANK YOU for clicking into my online space for the past year, and I hope to see you in 2019! I hope you capture some new thoughts for the new year. I wish you a Happy 2019! :)


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