Year 2022

Dear self, 

Thank you for carrying through 2021 with relentless hope and courage. You were taught to forgive, let go, heal from physical and emotional wounds, discover your inner self, and be kinder towards those around you. Turbulence in life is inevitable, but embracing it in a positive light is what you have learned to do. You were stronger than I ever imagined. I’m thankful that you met and opened up to new people who’d share your life’s journey. You had also made life-changing decisions that would carry you forward into 2022. Life’s imperfect, but through the deep and dark you begin to clearly see the goodness and faithfulness of God. Do not fear what’s ahead in the future, instead take a step each time watching how God guides and leads you through the unknown. The Lord will sustain and keep you. I celebrate you for how far you’ve come and overcome. 

My 2022 resolution will focus on quality over quantity. I hope to achieve these 3 key points:
  • Taking care of my spiritual and mental well-being. 
  • Spending time with family and friends.
  • Honing and expressing my creative skills.

May your 2022 be joy-filled and hopeful in all that is to come! Let not disappointment, past hurts determine your future. Cheers to a good new year 🥂


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