A Step Back To 2022, A Step In To 2023

The first quarter of 2023 has ended. As I recollect my thoughts and memories of 2022, I have seen growth and God's transformation in me. 2022 was a rocky ride, but I made it to the other side. I hope my story encourages you ❤️

My 2022 testimony: 

"During the 2nd MCO, my leave and salary were deducted though I'd worked from home. Along with other disadvantages, I planned to leave the company. I was searching for new job opportunities but to no avail. As I started to see my colleagues- one by one leaving the company, I was asking God when was my turn. I felt God said it was not the time yet. I was desperate, but the best thing to do was to obey.

As I waited, I realised God was trying to teach me to never escape (endure) trials/pain and to love my enemy. I used to avoid pain whenever possible, but eventually, I realised it was during the overcoming of the toughest time I saw who God is and His goodness. I was also taught to forgive, let go of my grudge against those who'd hurt me and be the peacemaker in my workplace. 

By the end of 2021, my manager passed away, and it was one of the most disheartening seasons in my work life. He was someone that I looked up to for work advice. God had sent people into my life and took people out of my life. I doubted God's presence, and I felt lost. 

However, my sister led me to Connect in the same year. I began to open up and share my struggles with a group of people to pray over my situation. My Connect members encouraged and supported me throughout my journey. I realised planting myself within a good community is key to building my faith and walking in the right direction.

As I entered this year (2022), the management readjusted our job scope and moved the creative department to another floor. And again, I was desperately waiting for God's answer to move on to a new job. God once again said wait. I was in an uncertain place. I was reassigned as my role was seen as less significant. 

This time I had to learn to pivot my focus to God instead of my bleak situation and not to dwell on negative thoughts. Tbh, my well-being had taken a toll. I was not my best self and broke down as I found my situation hopeless. ("You could just leave" might cross your mind, but I had my own commitment and responsibility on my shoulders that I couldn't leave just because I wanted to.)

Through Greenhouse, I was healed, learnt so much about my identity in Him and found comfort in knowing God will turn the bad situations for His glory. Little did I know that as June arrived, after having been through many interviews and assignments, I got an offer from a new company. Initially, I was in disbelief that the offer met my requirements.

After Ps Jai shared his testimony on one Sunday service, I knew that my specific prayers were answered- and all in His time. Everything fell into place according to His plan. It was all worth the wait.

My faith in God has brought me to where I am today. He never leaves me. He took care of my every need, and I lacked nothing. I met many inspiring people that bless, encourage and speak life into me."

There's so much more to look forward to this year, but ultimately, I want to see myself living intentionally and finding joy in all I do. 2023 is going to be a good year ❤️


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