9 Good Habits To Clear Hormonal Acne

Personally, hormonal acne sums up an unexpected and unwelcoming stranger. We all know how that feels, don't we? After years of trial and error with all the "What I should and should not do", I've boiled down to these 9 easy, doable ways to minimise the occurrence of hormonal acne. Sometimes acne growth can be unavoidable, especially during monthly periods, but I believe some of these small habits can help ease your acne journey.

Go healthy and dairy-free: Choose to eat fresh foods. Choose less canned, tinned or manufactured foods. Opt for healthier cooking choices such as steaming, stir-frying, boiling and blanching. Avoid deep-fried, oily food. If your area has more vegetarian or vegan food options, you can search for more vegan recipes to help with your cooking. 

Less face touching: If you need to touch your face, wash your hands beforehand. If you need to poke an acne, try using two sheets of tissues/cotton (avoid bare fingers that may contain bacteria). You can also use proper extraction tools if they're accessible to you. Right after cleansing the wounded area, apply pimple stickers for improved healing. 

Drink lots of water: Your body is made out of 60% water. Drinking enough water is key to balancing your body's hydration level ensuring your body system functions optimally. I've always practised drinking more water during the day and less during the night. Drinking too much water at night may cause water retention. Personally, I try to drink 2L of clean water daily. You can adjust your water consumption amount based on your BMI result. 

Sweat more often: Exercise comes hand in hand with a healthy diet. Find a routine on YouTube or online to your liking. Moving your body should be simple and enjoyable. For instance, you can try a simple walk at the park daily to get your body muscles moving. 

Use minimal skincare: Less is more. The most fundamental products to own are cleanser, toner, moisturiser and sunscreen. If you have an extensive range, minimising your products helps you find out which product ingredients cause sensitivity or aggravate your skin. 

Consistent sleep time: The road to proper healing is getting proper rest. Get your 7-8 hours of sleep per day to optimise your health which will then improve your skin and your inner system. 

Take supplements: Our body may not fully absorb the nutrients the food intake by our body. To support the lack of nutrients we intake daily, some supplement options can help with the gut (especially for those with hormonal acne) and skin. Recommendations and options I've tried were probiotics/prebiotics, vitamin C tablets and vitamin E.  

Avoid stress: Your mental health is as important as your physical health. Take conscious deep breaths daily, and take up a hobby/recreation activity to take your mind off work. If you're experiencing any mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, consult a therapist to ensure your mind is well taken care of. It's also good to educate yourself by reading more about mental health topics. 

Meditate: You can do morning stretches or breathing exercises in the morning to refresh your mind. When your mind is healthy, your body follows. Another great way to think about the Word throughout the day and shift my focus to Him. 

What are your thoughts on these? Do let me know if any of these helps~

All photos by Prisc

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