Blushing Confidence

These pictures were photographed a while ago but failed to be published on time. I dedicated this post purely to exhibiting my thoughts on body confidence. When I reviewed these images, body image came to mind. I was researching body image and confidence as part of my assignment, and I thought the topic suits the message of these images. They represent free expression and confidence. I was unclear how I got such confidence to pose such movements, but I was sure I was visualizing positive imagery such as "I am beautiful despite my flaws" and "I can wear fashionably despite what others think." I looked back now; I was unable to comprehend the high level of confidence I had at those moments. I was a person who cared immensely about my appearance often which leads me to be anxious to socialize with people and preferably live in my cocoon. The only way I could express my confidence was by documenting it online. I reckon I'll be vulnerable to sharing my flaws on the net.

Nonetheless, that was the only option I could be most expressive in delivering my creativity and positivity. Take the courage to believe and say, "I am beautiful just the way I am." Have an amazing weekend x

Wearing: vintage white shirt, Forever 21 chained earrings, BKK pleated pants(gifted)
All photos by Phone


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