Skincare I Used To Treat My Hormonal Acne

It was a rollercoaster ride when I first experienced acne. So, I want to share with you the products I've used in the past when I first experienced acne. I hope that this could be a good reference when you search for the right product for your skin.

I faced the tough decision of choosing the right products for my acne. I started out with only 4 products for my night time routine- Cleanser, Toner, Treatment Solution and Moisturiser. I will skip out on the toner as I was using the toners that I've reviewed on my blog. You can read more here: Etude House Soon Jung Toner


First of all, the cleanser is super important when it comes to acne. You do not want to choose a cleanser that can be harsh or dry on the skin. I find that my face gets oiler when I have acne, but that doesn't mean that I need to use products to strip off the oils. Instead, I need to find a gentle cleanser that does its job without drying my skin. I recommend gel cleansers as they are water-based, gentle and do not hurt the flaring acne. I used Dermax Acne Cleanser (prescribed by a skin doctor) and Cosini Deep Cleansing Gel. These work well on my acne skin. You can refer to the ingredient list as photographed below.

Treatment Solution

With a wide range of treatment solutions found online, it's best if you do your research beforehand to ensure the ingredients are safe for acne-prone skin. I was recommended to use the Selily Treatment Lotion, a yellow liquid that I would apply on the acne areas. The lotion helps to dry up the acne or causes the acne to minimise in size and redness. 


For all of the above products you've applied, you would want to seal it off with a good moisturiser. I recommend gel moisturiser as it's lightweight and not oily on the skin. With acne, using cream moisturisers can be too heavy when you first start out. Start with a gel moisturiser and gradually cream moisturiser once your acne is healing. I've used the KO Series Clarifying Treatment Moisturiser, a gel moisturiser that is cooling on the skin yet moisturising.

Do remember that you're beautiful inside out. Take good care of your body by drinking enough water, exercising, eating and sleeping well. Don't forget that your mental health is as important as your physical health. Meditate and take rest when needed. I hope that this entry helps you in some way. 

I've also been thinking of sharing other factors (besides skincare) that affect hormonal acne and my acne journey. Let me know if you would like me to share those in the comment below! Speak soon x

All photos by Prisc

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